Letters to the Sun - Press Release

** This is an online Memoir for my son: Artimus Dakota Hammel (Kody) Born Dec 28th 2005 - Died April 2nd 2008** ***Kody's will to live was overpowered by his disease, which he was, with no reason, born with. Our last visit to the ho...

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** This is an online Memoir for my son: Artimus Dakota Hammel (Kody) Born Dec 28th 2005 - Died April 2nd 2008**

***Kody's will to live was overpowered by his disease, which he was, with no reason, born with. Our last visit to the hospital was the worst one yet, it has even made his doctors question whether or not it is the time to let Kody pass on. We have come to our own realization and agree with the doctors' thoughts and advice.

Our decision to let Kody go was made with love. Kody has had a short time with us on this Earth; he has been in pain for what seems a long time and without our decision, would have grown to be much worse. The little time Kody has been apart of our lives, he has touched everyone who has crossed his path in some form or fashion.

Kody was two years and three months old when he passed away on April 2nd 2008. It has been a great and wonderful pleasure to raise a fine and beautiful person and child as he. The disease that he has is rare and unbearable, and people need to know about it so that they can research or find some way to find a cure for this horrible child depriving "Menkes Disease"...

This book you will get to see as it devlopes section by section, chapter by chapter, and word for word. You will get to see this book unedited until the time comes to edit and put it into print. So please forgive spelling and grammar mistakes, because these will be fixed.

Prologue Will be Released September 1st 2020

Official Book: https://imatumble7.wixsite.com/letterstotheson